Scarra's Thoughts EP 11 和訳 | ゲームの状態、ルーンシステムについて








ScarraはLoLをシーズン1からプレーし続けているプレーヤーの1人で、シーズン2の最後までプレーし、それ以降はコーチ活動とストリームを続けていましたが、2017年にDelta Fox(Echo Foxのサブチーム)で他のストリーマーと一緒に活動していました。YouTubeにたくさん動画があります。




最近では、Patch Rundownという動画を定期的にアップロードしています。最新のパッチノートを読み上げつつ意見を言うというものです。また、Post League Timeというシリーズも存在します。ストリーマーのImaqtpieと一緒にBeyond the Riftというシリーズも定期的に行っています。





今回和訳したScarra's Thoughtsシリーズは久々のアップロードでしたが、彼なりの視点からゲームの状態やルーンシステムについて簡単に説明してあります。

Scarra's Thoughts | EP11 - What's really the problem with league, variance, and the rune rework


また、2018/05/29にFollow Upと称して1時間8分56秒もの動画をアップロードしています。長いですが、上の動画をより詳しく説明してあるので、余裕がある方は見てみるといいかもしれません。1時間分も和訳はしたくないので、こちらはやりません。

Scarra- Rundown on Scarra's thoughts 11




  • パッチノート8.10時点での情報です
  • 僕が翻訳の勉強をしたことがないということ
  • 細かい単語まですべて把握しているわけではないこと
  • Vlog形式の動画で、おそらくScriptを完全に組んで喋っているわけではないので、同じことを何回か繰り返している場面があること


Scarra's Thoughts EP11

 ずっと昔、僕はあまり他の人が話さない視点からリーグ・オブ・レジェンドの新しくて興味深いことについて話す「Scarra’s Thoughts」というシリーズを始めた。でも、最近は特に興味深いことも無いし、お蔵入りみたいになっていた。僕はリーグをたくさんプレーしているけど、僕の考えることはだいたい他の人に依存していたんだ。新しいことも、今までなかったようなことも、「動画にすべきだ!」というようなことも何もなかった。でも最近、つまりごくごく最近だけど、僕はゲーム自体や、ゲームの状態、再構築されたルーンシステム周りにできあがっているバランスについて考えて、主に3つのこと――今現在のゲームの状態、ルーン再構築と、リーグ・オブ・レジェンドにおける「分散(あるいは変化)」*1について、またなぜそれが大事なのかについて、僕の考えを動画で話したくなったんだ。

















 逆の例を見てみると、Heroes of the Storm(以降HotS)*10













English Script

A long time ago, I started this series “Scarra’s Thoughts” talk about League of Legends in new and interesting ways, uh, ways that people won’t quite talking about and I kinda shelved this series because hey, I don’t have anything interesting to say. I play league a lot but my thoughts mainly relying with a lot of other people; it’s nothing new, nothing freshing and I feel like, you know, “it deserves a video”. However, recently, and I mean very very recently, I’ve been thinking about the game, the state of the game, the developed balance and alongside the Rune re-forged system, and I wanted to come out with the video talking about my general thoughts about the state of the game right now, the Rune rework and kind of the idea of “variance” in League of Legends and why it’s important.

So without further ado, let’s talk about the Rune rework. So I think a lot of people would say (or without doubt) Riot Games did a really good job with Rune rework. You know, it’s much better than the old Rune system, which no argument from me neither, and it kinda does a lot what the Rune system was meant to do.

So whether they want to accomplish with Rune re-forge, they wanted to do 2 different things. The first thing they wanted to do is, hey, they wanted there to be a “choice”. They wanted there to be the idea that you can choose to how to use Runes and around some playstyles.

Secondly, they wanted to remove the old version of Runes for re-forge make it so there is no longer a barrier entry to ‘playing the game’. And I think above all the second point has been a 100% achieved. That was a great done from me, for them to be able to do that, and it was something needed in the game. So whatever happened, removing the old Rune system was a correct step forward.

However, what was the new Rune system’s accomplish? The number one thing we should look at is the choice, I would say, is truth but only to an extent. I think the current Rune’s re-forged system kind of gives the illusion of choice. What I mean by that is it has all the same problem as the old Mastery system, except for its expended upon. Or it’s more impactful in the sense that because it can bind the old Mastery system with the old Rune system (it kinda mashed together).

I would say the relative strength of the old Mastery and Rune system kinda made your Champion (especially on early game) about 20 to 30% stronger in terms of dealing damage, in terms of even soaking damage. 20 to 30% stronger is quite a big deal.

However, I would say that the old Runes didn’t really make it so you do more damage early. The old Runes made it, so, it kinda feel that everyone is running the same Runes, so the old Runes is kinda ‘no fight each other’ in that aspect. In the sense, let’s say, “hey you know, you can run 9 Armor,” and the other person is running 9 Armor too. Or in any cases, there is even an argument says the old Rune system made it so that the damage was less relevant early if you want the Rune for it. And I would say that in that system, the old Rune system, there were actually more choices defensively than are now. What I mean by that is the fact that you could run and start games with Armor Yellows and Armor Quints and have, what was it, +22 Armor at level 1? And that worth infinitely more than +6.8AD or +15AP. Gold efficiency was maybe like the Attack Speed out-skilled the Armor later game but especially in early game, I would say that the old Rune system never made it damage is more than defensive (or the defensive stats).

Now, the problem with the current Rune re-forged system is the fact that this IS the case. And this is one of the biggest problem with the idea of the Rune re-forged system right now; the fact that it’s adds too much damage early game for there to be any kind of irrelevant counter-play. And what I mean by this is the idea that, like, look at the damage that Aery adds to all the Lane across the board. Look at what the Electrocute adds to certain Champions.

I would say the idea of the Rune re-forge system is the fact that it gives you the illusion of choice because there is, if anything comparatively to the last Rune system, which was limited its own way, there is only one ideal way to build every Champions. And maybe there’s two. Like, maybe for certain Supports you can go Guardian or you can go Aery.

But for the most part, everyone’s build is across the board, or going to be within one or two builds. Which is quite similar to the old system. I would say, there was only one build. And you can put in defensively in a lot of ways. With Armor, MR, Health, variety of different ways to the Quints, Seals and Blues. And so, I would say that maybe there were similar but I would say that’s a very big problem because I don’t think the new Rune system allows for any kind of more expression of choice with anything all just no illusion. And so, I would say one of the biggest things about these Rune re-forged system is the fact that, that there is no choice.

There is still a problem with the Rune re-forged system in the sense that not only there is no choice, the additional damage makes so the game is incredibly difficult to balance. And so, what happens in the game state where, all of a sudden, comparatively to the old system, people are doing 10 to 15 % more damage through Runes; stuff like Aery, stuff like Electrocute, um, are just causing a lot more damage than used to.

Because in the old Mastery Tree, this is a great example, people used to complain about Feast. “OMG Feast, 20 HEALTH EVERY 20 SECONDS, HOW OP IS THIS IN LANE!”. They had to nerf Feast, I think one or two times, because it was too powerful. And got the same status that Taste of Blood is, right now on the Mastery Tree, but no one complains about that because even though it’s the equivalent exact the same as in the old Mastery Tree, there are so many more powerful builds like Sudden Impact, like any other Keystones right? Conqueror, Lethal Tempo, Aery, Grasp, that there are just so many more problems with the current Keystones in terms of impact. People overlooked Feast, even though it’s the same exact same stone, but relatively the strength is less in the current interaction in the game.

Now what happens when there is too much damage in the game? More damage than expected? Well, it means that the amount of viable Champions that you can play is decreases. Because people (Champions) who can wholly abuse this type of extra damage early are the only one who can exist. And so, what is Riot’s workaround around this situation like what makes it possible to add more damage in the game?

Well, the Conqueror is over-powered version of damage or increasing the high amounts of damage), they have to add increasingly high amounts of sustain. So when it happens, “hey, there are a lot more damage in the game done by Aery. We gonna add D-Shield. And we goona add Resolve Tree with Chrysalis, with Second Wind, with Bone-Plating. And we gonna give it Health as well.”

What happens here is really interesting. Because in this iteration of the game, the game is balanced in a very, very, very, very, very (at least in my opinion) bad way. Because the damage got too strong that the sustain tools in lane has to be equally as powerful. What happens off this situation is that, you are in the situation where you have items like D-Shield that able to get laners through the game, and people start to prioritize sustain Ornn to stuff in lane over damage because to play against the best Champions in the game. You have to have this kind of D-Shield, this kind of Second Wind, Resolve Trees to even be able to stand a chance. And when the best Champions in the game also take this Tree, you stuck in this; “well, im gonna have to take this Tree just to lose by a little bit. Not even win, just to lose by a little bit.” And so, they kind of marginalize the game in the sense that there is a lot ‘less variance’ in the game.

So, if you are playing one of the worst Champions in the game, in this kind of weird situation, Riot created more Champion versatility but it comes at the cost. And the cost, the fact, that the game itself become incredibly un-balanced in situation people don’t take these sustain oriented items or sustain oriented Runes. And so, when in the situation where like you balance around the D-Shield for ADC, Top Laners and very small extent Mid Laners. And so that becomes increasingly hard situation because you need to have the amount of damage that people are taking it even be able to function against these, I would say, sustain oriented stacking Champions but it creates perpetual psycho where you forced to go to keep these really strong damage tools in the game to deal with these really strong defensive options. All in the end, all that happens through having over-powered defensive options and over-powered offensive options is that the balance becomes incredibly scute even though Champion viability might go up (よく聞き取れない…) .

I think that one of the biggest thing you can see about this is the idea that variance in the game has gone lower, and that’s a really big problem. So, if people don’t know, what is variance? I would say the best example I can give about variance is… it’s… one of the difference between every individual game. So, the best thing I have to say about this is, you don’t know.

Let’s start with the easy one. Dota 2. Very, very high variance. You can have super—hard crashing game where you are 20/0 1vs5 carry. And you can have super, super hard de-moralizing game where you are literally 6 levels behind their carry, you’re effectively useless and you can’t do anything in the game. That’s very, very high variance and the highest-variance popular MOBA right now.

Now let’s look at the reverse example, very low variance. Heroes of the Storm is very low variance game. So, what that means is that every game it kind of feels similar. The highest you can go with Heroes of the Storm is like 3-4 level lead, and on the enemy team you are completely stomping them. And so even though regardless of the kills or deaths, the game itself is relatively low-variance; you know how exact you are going to play out. Even though you are higher level or lower level, it doesn’t super matter that not that many tools for you to use until the game is pretty much, I would say, ‘numbers check’ a lot of the times. I’m sure the skill is involved, but it’s relatively lower. It doesn’t necessary mean that high-variance is more skilled. Usually what happens is high-variance just means the game is ---(inaudible) a lot. Every game that you play --- a lot, like it’s a lot different from the game before.

And I would say League of Legends is the one at middle. So, League of Legends is middle-variance game in the sense that it doesn’t have high-high as much as Dota however it has harder snowballing mechanics that you would find it in Heroes of the Strom. So, you would have, generally, mid-level variance games where you can pop-off, but usually you are 5 levels ahead. You are like 3 or 2 levels ahead of your lane opponent and that considered a significant pop-off. You are 5/0, you can carry the game from 5/0 situation. But those are relatively more rare than usual.

What has the changes of Rune rework to have these high damage situations but also high sustain oriented options in the game? This is caused low-variance to current League of Legends, and that is a really, really big problem. You play League of Legends because you expect it to be a medium variance game. As it approaches to variance level of, let’s say, Heroes of the Storm, that’s going to become a huge problem. That’s why, if you talk to a lot of players right now, the game feels very, very flow chart-y. You feel like you know what’s going to exactly happen, “hey, whenever it happens, you bought essential core items and do this, you break at the Bot lane and you get first Tower, rotate around the map, and…” that’s not a good status for the game because the game should be, or was built around the idea of higher-variance. I think Riot alone know the fact that those low-variance state is super bad for the health of the game. People may like playing the game more on like the individual base. Maybe one game off or two games off. However, it is really bad for the future of the game if it’s kept in this state.

Now, what have Riot Games done to kind of resolve these problems? Well, I would say they nerfed Resolve Trees recently and the very interesting thing is to increase variance in the game they added Scuttle Crab. This is kind of an interesting idea, the fact that one of the way you are going to increase variance is through RNG. Drake is a good example of variance in the game. Every game feels different because whatever Drakes you get, who knows? You just know it’s just going to be 3 specific Drakes allowed in the game. However, you have no idea and only the game knows. Adding the system where Scuttle RNG spawns one side of the river, they are increasing the idea of variance in the game. Each game feels different because, “hey, can we contest this? Can we not? Are we running there?” New changes will create higher variance, at the very least, for the short period of the time. And this RNG aspect of Scuttle Crab, I would think Riot attempt and increasing the variance in the game because they understand that the game itself is put in somewhat bad state at the moment.

So, what happens? What can Riot do? Riot already kind of try to address this variance issue at least to small degree. Let’s talk a little bit more about Runes, and how the increasing level of damage in the game and the sustain options are balance nightmare. Let’s say you’re playing Champion that really abuse Aery, or Scorch, the great example of Runes that situationally super over-powered for certain Champions.

Good example right now is Soraka. Support Soraka should not be in the state that she is in. However, this only became super popular with the insurance of both Scorch and Aery. Same does too to Morgana, because her W right now. The initial tick shouldn’t hit for 60. But it does due to both those Runes. Now, you can adjust these Runes for kind of very wide abused cases. However, this is all just going to make the balance nightmare for your game. Your balance team is going to be in shambles for, at least, another 6 months to try to normalize the game into the state where a decent amount of damage but also decent amount of sustain in lane.

And I would say right now, they have to work to cut off them. They can’t do it, and they can’t do it anytime soon. That’s a big problem for me. Because for me, as a player who just once to have these balance nightmares kind of taking away up, the easiest solution for me to propose is just remove Runes. I think all they do is cause these balance situations where certain Champions can super hardcore abuse these Runes. You can see Ezreal and Gangplank going Klepto, you can see Aery for Champions like Janna, Soraka, for even Oriana who are able to use it multiple times. You can see Phase Rush been used on certain things. And I’m not here to say that certain Runes should be used or better on certain Champions than others, I would say balance-wise though, that’s a complete mess because you have to balance around the idea that they have that specific Rune, and then balance the Rune around the idea that multiple Champions, maybe not even one that hard abused these Runes, had to keep away from the OP factor without causing them to be very weak or pretty much un-used.

And so, my biggest problem in this game is Riot Games introduced Rune rework system: Rune re-forged as big holla for the season. This was 2018 their MVP play in a pre-season. It was, to be fair, a monumental task. However, I think that a lot of problems that old Mastery System are exacerbated by this Rune re-forge system that has is impactful than the old one. Harder to balance than before, because Runes and Keystones are more individually powerful than the old ones, and it doesn’t create any more choices for players, only creates illusions of choice most of the time. So, we are at the hardest situation, where Riot needs to change the game up, year after year, to keep the game fresh, to keep it entertaining. It’s 7-8-year-old game. They need to make new stuff for people and player-base to enjoy playing the game.

However, I was in the idea of reworking the old Runes was correct, but in my honest opinion though, I would have preferred to just remove the Runes and try to balance each individual Champions separately. I think that would make the balance easier for the balance team for sure, and overall the game itself can then be balanced in kind of ‘slightly lower damage in lane’, and they can re-balance the sustain options then therefore create Champions versatile not because your sustain option is so strong early game. But rather around the ideas that the sustain option is so strong you only be able to get at most 10 cs lead, or 15. That is really far different in lead which you could get before.

I think that the idea of having a bad matchup in the game should exist. And you should be punished for playing bad matchups, just like you should be punished for playing good matchups into bad stuff. Right now, due to the options of the game that’s not what is happening. In this current state, League of Legends is a lower-variance game, that I like to see, and they need to increase the variance in the game. I also would love if they kind of scrap the Rune system completely. I think having their balance team try to balance around the restrictions that the Rune system creates is incredibly difficult, if not borderline toxic for them. People is going to complain all the time about the Riot balance team and to be honest, I can’t balance the Rune system. It’s incredibly difficult. Their best solution is probably hard limit certain Runes and certain items being taken by certain Champions. Even in that case, that just feels kind of bad, but we might have to do it. That might be a better balance team solution than any of the one’s day come across before.

That’s my general thoughts about the game. I think the game itself should have be shifted more toward a style of game that old veterans are not used to, and don’t like. Of course, this could be different in the sense of maybe newer players who aren’t playing the game as much as I am, or playing the game at the level I am might enjoy it. I don’t know. I can only speak on kind of my own personal thoughts on the matter, and I hope that this was, if not insightful, at least not complete waste of 20 minutes of your time. Thank you for watching, and I hope you like my thoughts.




データベース/旧ルーン(7.21以前) - LoLJPWiki


データベース/マスタリー - LoLJPWiki

*5:元動画では"abuse" つまり乱用ですが、アビューズのほうがわかりやすい気がするのでそのまま書きました





Dota 2


Heroes of the Storm




パッチノート 8.10 | League of Legends


Scarra - KATARINA REWORK (World first Gameplay Footage on Playtest Servers) - YouTube

*15:文字通り"punish" こらしめられることですが、日本語でも同じような意味なのでそのまま書きました